4 ways to increase your visibility on LinkedIn


If you are going through a career transition, it is essential to have a LinkedIn profile. If you want to increase your chances of getting hired, you will need to have a LinkedIn presence.

Many professionals overlook the power of ‘light touch networking’ on LinkedIn. Light touch networking can simply be a ‘like’, comment or sharing a post. It is a simple yet often overlooked way of increasing your visibility.

Here are 4 examples of how you can increase your online visibility through your LinkedIn activity.

'Like' or comment on a post

One of the easiest ways to start engaging with your network is to ‘like’ or comment on their posts. This is a very ‘light touch’ way of networking and gives kudos to others. If you are new to social media and building confidence, it is the easiest way to start interacting with your network.

For example, if someone posts an article and you learn something new, share what you have learnt. Try and avoid commenting ‘thanks for sharing’ and be more specific as to why you have found that post useful. If you don’t want to comment you can choose a reaction to represent how you feel such as ‘support’, ‘celebrate’ or ‘insightful’.

Share an article or post

Once you have started to build confidence, think about what articles or posts may be of interest to your network. Remember; what you comment on, or share reflects your brand, so try to be consistent and avoid anything controversial. If you see an article that you believe is worth resharing, you have the option to ‘reshare’ or’ reshare with comments’. Where possible, ‘reshare with comments’ and tell your network why you are reposting.

For example, if a former colleague in your network is hiring, you could repost with comments ‘sharing with my network on behalf of my trust connection @’ and tag them. You could increase your posts visibility by adding a hashtag such as #newjobalert or #newjobopportunity.

Post a Farewell Message

If you are exiting an organisation, one of the most positive ways you can leave a lasting impression is to post a farewell message.  It’s also a subtle way of announcing to your network you are open to hearing about opportunities This message typically acknowledges a significant amount of time at an organisation, celebrates successes, and thanks colleagues, customers and/or professional networks for their friendship and support.

For example:

“Today marks my final day @ (tag the company you are leaving) it’s time for me to move onto my next challenge. Thank you to @ (tag a couple of colleagues) for the career development opportunities that I am sure will shape my career moving forward”. You may choose to include some projects or successes that you want to acknowledge too.

These types of posts often generate lots of kind words and well wishes and is another way to demonstrate your credibility with your network. Don’t forget to reply to each comment and follow up with a direct message.

Share an update – with a call to action!

You have the option to combine your farewell message with a post about what you are looking for as part of your career transition, or you may choose to post several updates. This is another great way to advise your network you are actively looking, and you never know who may be able to support you further.

For example:

To everyone in my network!

I am currently seeking my next career move. I wanted to let you all know I am available for both interim and permanent opportunities in the following areas (include your specialisms e.g., Executive Coaching, Workshop & Training Delivery and Learning and Development opportunities.

How you can help…

  • Please ‘like’, comment or share this post with your network
  • Recommend job boards, recruiters – any guidance welcome
  • If you have worked with me, endorse my skills or write me a recommendation
Share a new job

Don’t forget, when you start a new job, add it to your profile experience but also share a post and allow your network to add comments to wish you good luck. Not only will it be a confidence boost when you read the comments, but your new employer will see their comments too.

You can do this by starting a new post and choosing to ‘Celebrate an Occasion’ (rosette/badge icon).

If you do secure a new role quite quickly, you may choose to combine this post with your farewell message.

Look out for your connections celebrating new jobs or work anniversaries. A simple ‘good luck’ or ‘congratulations’ message will keep you in their thoughts and strengthen your relationship.

Final thoughts…

Posting on LinkedIn isn’t just about securing your next career move. It allows you to showcase your expertise, skills, and experience to a broad professional audience as well as enhancing your professional brand and reputation. It can be a valuable resource when job searching but don’t forget to use as part of your ongoing professional development.

Renovo is the UK’s leading specialist provider of outplacement support. We work with both organisations and individuals to support all their career transition requirements. If you would like to understand how Renovo can help you please email info@renovo.co.uk

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