Writing a LinkedIn farewell message


linkedin farewell An increasing number of job seekers are using LinkedIn to demonstrate their professionalism when exiting an organisation by sending a farewell message. If you get it right, not only will it inform your network you are seeking your next career move, it could even land you your next role.

Here’s how to write one.

Keep it positive!

If it wasn’t your choice to leave your role, you may be experiencing a range of emotions. The opening paragraph to your message needs to convey a positive first impression (even if you aren’t feeling happy about the decision). You may want to start it by referencing the number of years you worked with the organisation, including some company milestones you have witnessed during your tenure. 

Highlight your successes

This is your opportunity to demonstrate the successes and achievements you gained within the business. Reference 2 to 3 examples and be sure to state the outcome of your success. Think about the role you are looking to secure and mirror your achievements as this will show any future employer where you could really add value.  Did you manage a project that resulted in cost savings? Did you identify business efficiencies?

Tag key stakeholders

When it comes to demonstrating gratitude, there is no better way than to acknowledge specific people. By tagging using ‘@’ and their name, they will be immediately be drawn to your post and most likely will either like or comment on it. This will drive more traffic to your profile and increase your visibility.

State your career aspirations

The final paragraph will conclude your message; however, it also provides a platform for you to reiterate your area of expertise and what your career aspirations are. So for example, if you are excited about future project management roles in the oil and gas industry, you are indirectly telling your audience you are seeking your next career move, and to consider you if they hear of anything that match your skill set.

Time it right

So, you have drafted your post, when do you share it? The choice is yours. Some clients like to send it after they have left, others like to share during their last few weeks. Ideally you want to time it right and only send it when your LinkedIn profile is complete, you are connected to the people you are tagging, it includes plenty of content, skills and recommendations.

Using the 5 steps above, here is an example of what you could include in your message.

LinkedIn Farewell Message

Today officially marks (number of successful years) at (name of organisation). I would like to express my thanks for all the support the business has given me during this time. Being part of (name of company)’s success and seeing the company grow into a key market leader in (name of industry) is something I feel very proud to have been a part of.

During this time, I have had the opportunity to ……. (reference several achievements)

It’s been a pleasure working at (name of organisation) and with great people, in particular (tag in the name of some key stakeholders within the organisation).

I am excited about the next chapter in my career and exploring new opportunities in (Reference industry or areas of expertise).


Make sure you 'like' and reply to any comments on your LinkedIn farewell message as it will maintain a positive perception and your post will keep appearing in your connections home feed too!

Renovo is the UK’s leading specialist provider of outplacement and career transition support. We work with both organisations and individuals to support all their career transition requirements. If you would like to understand how Renovo can help you please call 0800 612 2011 or email info@renovo.co.uk

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