Preparing for a virtual first day


Cartoon people demonstrating remote workingCongratulations you have secured a new role during these challenging times. It is quite likely the interview process you experienced was delivered remotely, so you already have an idea of how you will operate in the ’new normal’.

Preparing for your virtual first day is equally as important as preparing for your interview.  Our  Renovo Career Coaches share their tips to ensure you hit the ground running from day one.

Understand the induction process

Your new employer may be used to remotely inducting new employees and already have a robust remote induction in place. Understand what will be planned for you during your first few weeks and what is expected of you. Sarah Rycraft encourages her clients to gain a clear understanding of role objectives and organization goals. ‘’Consider any value you can immediately add including quick wins. Creating a 30 60 90-day plan will provide focus and help you get ahead.’’

Your first few weeks will involve understanding more about the company, industry and its values, so consider where you may gain most insight and suggest a buddy system.

Be Tech Savvy

Know what technology you will be provided with and by when. Familiarise yourself with internal systems and software used. Understand the communication platforms used internally and if it’s new to you, set up free trials so you can start practising using these accounts. Anita Whiting has seen a few of her clients provided with IT and Telephony ahead of start dates so they can be online from day one. She encourages them to be proactive and consider how they can use their time in between virtual meetings with key stakeholders and understand what distance learning is available to access.

Set up your workspace

You may already have an office space set up that was used during the interview process. Ensure your space is clear from distractions and is set up as professionally as possible; first impressions count. Consider the video meetings you will be conducting and what will be seen in the background. Luckily, most platforms allow you to change your setting, so if your office space is in a quiet corner of your house, you can change your background to an office setting. Jade Brady reminds her clients who are new to remote working of the free learning resources available on LinkedIn. There is so much material accessible online about working remotely, so see what’s out there. Also, talk to anyone in your network who home works and ask them for tips.

Create a positive first impression

Connecting with your new colleagues ahead of your first day via LinkedIn will immediately demonstrate your enthusiasm and interest in your new company and workmates. Ensure your LinkedIn profile is up to date and at an all-star status. Include a short note with the connection request to introduce yourself ahead of the start date.

Michele Fisher adds “When working remotely it is essential to focus on building strong relationships. Create an organisation chart and add personal details to remember small pieces of information that you can refer to strengthen relations built.”

Renovo is the UK’s leading outplacement and career transition support specialist. We work with both organisations and individuals to support all their career transition requirements. If you would like to understand how Renovo can help you please call 0800 612 2011 or email

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