How to become more innovative with your job search  


INWEDInternational Women in Engineering Day 2022 (INWED) raises the profile of women in engineering by recognising the outstanding achievements of female engineers throughout the world. To celebrate, this year’s theme is around ‘Innovators and Inventors’.

Innovation is crucial to the success of any business, but it’s also a skill that can be applied to job searching. Becoming more innovative in your job search will allow you to adopt more creative job searching methods whilst also injecting some inspiration into what can be seen as a mundane task. Although there will always be conventional ways of job searching, thinking creatively about your search can open new doors and inspire you in ways you didn’t expect.

Renovo have gathered some key techniques to help you to re-invent your job search:

Use your network and build relationships

Networking is one of the most underused tools of job searching but is one of the most productive and effective ways of finding a job. Networking is the proactive process of using relationships and contacts that you already have, to help you identify new work opportunities. Networking can be useful for your job search in all industries or sectors you work in. It will open you up to further information and leads about organisations, roles and job opportunities you may not already be aware of.

There are a few ways in which you can build and reach out to your network. For instance, former managers and colleagues could be useful as they know what you’re capable of professionally and they can be well-connected to refer and recommend you to others. You could also gather information from friends and family and their networks. Also consider professional societies and clubs you are a member of - could they help you by offering advice and guidance, or put you in contact with their network? You never know how people are connected or who will turn out to be the most useful. 70% of jobs are secured through the hidden job market, so the next person you speak to could play a key part in your securing a new job.

Post a farewell message on LinkedIn

An increasing number of job seekers are using LinkedIn to demonstrate their professionalism when exiting an organisation by sending a farewell message. Sharing a farewell message on LinkedIn is a subtle way of announcing to your network that you are open to new opportunities. Once your connections begin liking, sharing and commenting on your post, it’s then visible to a wider network of professionals – and you never know who will notice that post! You might even get to hear about upcoming vacancies before they’re advertised or get a recommendation from other connections.

Utilise LinkedIn Groups

When used correctly, LinkedIn Groups can also be a great tool to increase visibility and credibility. One of the most effective tools available when you become a Group member is the ability to communicate directly and privately with other Group members, specifically recruiters and potential employers as your Group membership provides you with direct messaging. This allows you to message decision makers directly.

Identifying job opportunities through newspapers and publications

Keep a look out for job leads including job openings, company growth or business relocations in both local and national newspapers. Look out for news of expansions or acquisitions amongst businesses in your industry - companies will be looking to recruit at some point so you may want to start thinking about contacting them about future recruitment needs. Reading trade publications will often introduce you to sector-specific recruitment agencies or potential job leads. They may also highlight events and exhibitions you could attend, giving you the opportunity to network with future employers.

Researching companies of interest and adopting a speculative approach

Another way to be more inventive in your job search, is to research and identify companies you want to work for with a view to proactively approaching them.  A speculative approach is where you actively approach an employer to promote your skills and seek out opportunities that may not have been advertised. Creating speculative letters to potential employers to target unadvertised vacancies can be a good way to find a role. You can initiate contact potential hiring managers with a simple phone call or by emailing your CV directly to the organisation. Persistence is key when searching for unadvertised employment opportunities.

Renovo is the UK’s leading specialist outplacement support provider. We work with both organisations and individuals to support all their career transition requirements. If you would like to understand how Renovo can help you please call 0800 612 2011 or email

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