5 ways recruiters are hiring now


Did you know most recruitment agencies and head-hunters use job boards to advertise vacancies as a last resort? The job market has become increasingly competitive, for every vacancy advertised, recruiters can receive up to 200 responses. It isn’t a surprise that recruiters and hiring managers are turning to the hidden job market to efficiently fill vacancies. Here are 5 ways recruiters are hiring now!

Candidate Database

When you submit your CV for a job vacancy, the ATS within that job board extracts the information and stores it to the recruiter’s database. If you are not shortlisted for the role you applied for, you may still be considered for other opportunities.

Recruiters run searches to explore candidate matches for both live and future opportunities. So even before they advertise a new vacancy, they often see if they have existing candidates who match the role they are recruiting for.

New Registrations

There could be recruiters who specialise in your field or are based in your location so use www.agencycentral.co.uk to find the right recruiter for you. You can choose to proactively register with them even if they aren’t recruiting for a specific position. Recruiters are keen to supplement their existing database with new candidates for future opportunities.

However, be aware, that if you do not match the requirements of the roles they are recruiting for now, they may not be prioritising new registrations.

Social Media

93% of recruiters use LinkedIn and other social media sites to headhunt candidates for future opportunities.

Recruiters and Head-hunters will search using key words and look at relevant job titles and experience so ensure your LinkedIn profile is complete. You need to have an ‘All Star LinkedIn Profile’ to rank higher in their searches. It’s important that your profile is up to date as they often share this to their client in place of your CV. Recruiters are continually using their social media accounts to advertise job opportunities via their own news feed too. Why? Because it is free and a quick way to share a new vacancy across their network.

Recruiters do pay attention to the #opentowork banner on your picture too especially for contracts they need to quickly fill.

Referrals and Recommendations

All recruiters rely heavily on recommendations and referrals. It is quite likely that once a recruiter has placed you in a role, or has worked with you for your own hiring needs, they will build a relationship with you and keep you in their network. This is so when they are recruiting for future opportunities one of their connections may be able to refer or recommend a suitable candidate.

CV uploads

If by this point the recruiters still requires more candidates to consider for the vacancy, they will look at CVs uploaded to job boards they advertise on before finally advertising via various job boards and through LinkedIn. Upload your CV to the job boards advertising roles of interest to you. If you regularly refresh and reupload your CV, you are more likely to feature in their results as they often sort by ‘date posted’.

Recruitment is fast paced and highly competitive, so recruiters are reliant on having candidates available to fill their vacancies. So, you may find that by the time you have applied for the role, they have already considered a number of candidates. If this is the case, focus on other opportunities you could be considered for with that recruiter with a view of being considered for their next vacancy.

Renovo is the UK’s leading outplacement and career transition specialist. We work with both organisations and individuals to support all their career transition requirements. If you would like to understand how Renovo can help you please call 0800 612 2011 or email info@renovo.co.uk

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