Engaging your Employees with the Idea of Outplacement


hand with magnet attracting peopleDespite a general increase in job opportunities since 2012 and the fallout of the economic crisis, ONS figures show that the number of job vacancies in the UK has been falling steadily since early 2019. As a result, jobseekers in many sectors are facing increased competition for roles and a unique set of challenges when it comes to securing employment.

With that in mind, it’s perhaps unsurprising that many more employers are now keen to go the extra mile when it comes to managing the redundancy process properly, with outplacement support one of the most popular and powerful means of ensuring a competitive advantage for those impacted. Yet despite the immense value which this form of support can bring, outplacement is often met with scepticism and resistance.

But why is that and what can HR and the business do to help employees take advantage of the support on offer? Below are some ideas which might help:

Communicate the Support Properly

The notion of redundancy is often met with resistance, anxiety and resentment. As such and despite their best efforts, it is often difficult for an employer to regain the trust of the individual who is impacted once their situation has been confirmed. That is where effective outplacement support can help. By communicating clearly and confidently from an early stage that job search support is on hand and being made available through independent career specialists, any negativity can often be managed much more successfully.

Choose Support Carefully

Picking an outplacement provider that fits with your company’s culture and ethos is essential in building trust from the employee. Likewise, choosing a programme of support which is easy to communicate and simple for the individual to tailor around their needs, is essential to secure their buy in. Work with your outplacement partner to make sure support is flexible, practical and results focussed and communicate that message appropriately.

Be Encouraging

Often the individual(s) exiting will lack the appetite and inclination to proactively pursue the support being offered; suspicion and mistrust are common consequences of a redundancy process. Be proactive in seeking their consent for your outplacement partner to reach out to them, and make sure that you encourage them through clear messaging and evidence as to the value which support can provide. A good outplacement partner should be able to help you to do this effectively as well as help you to position the support as independent and confidential.

It Takes More than just a Good CV to be Successful

One common misconception about outplacement support, is that it focuses solely on the mechanics behind a good CV. Whilst this is undoubtedly one key component of a successful career transition process, a good outplacement coach will provide advice and guidance around much more; Career change and assessment, LinkedIn and online presence, support with networking and branding, transforming interview performance, helping to work with recruiters, accessing the hidden job market and building daily job search structure, to name but a few. Make sure your impacted employees are fully aware of the different topics which can be addressed, even if they feel confident with the CV they already have.

Make Sure the Employee Knows that it won’t Cost them Anything!

It goes without saying that if you as the employer are paying for the support directly, it makes sense to ensure your employees know that it won’t cost them anything! This is often a common misconception and a key reason why the help available isn’t taken up.

Renovo are the UK’s leading specialist provider of outplacement support. If you are interested in understanding how you can provide support to employees exiting your organisation, then we’d love to talk with you. Get in touch on 0800 612 2011 or info@renovo.co.uk

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