Learn why Renovo is one of the UK’s leading Outplacement providers


Renovo is pleased to announce the launch of our new video animation which has been created to offer prospective clients a brief introduction to Renovo and our innovative approach to outplacement.

“Whether you need outplacement services for just one individual leaving the organisation or for many as part of a large scale restructure, choosing the right provider for your organisation can be a time consuming and often confusing process with many solutions in the market looking and feeling similar” comments Renovo’s Commercial Director, Rhys Moon.

“As such we wanted to create a two minute video to enable HR decision makers to quickly understand more about our unique approach, the innovative solutions we offer and results we achieve for our clients. I feel the video really encapsulates what we’re about – delivering outplacement solutions that are personal, flexible and cost effective – so if you’re comparing providers we’d love you to watch and tell us what you think.” He adds.

A link to the video can be found below and if you would like to speak to one of the team about your outplacement requirements call – 0800 612 2011.

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