Top Tips from a Career Coach


orange standout question markFor International Coaching Week 2018 we asked our Career Coaches at Renovo typical questions they are asked and what their responses would be:

What do I need to include on my CV?

You need to be aware of the importance of relevant content on a CV. It is very common for job seekers to put minimal information on with the view to elaborating further at an interview. The CV may go through an applicant tracking system so tailoring, mirroring and matching the wording from the job specification is crucial. The recruiter or employer will be looking at hundreds of CVs and may only spend 20-30 seconds looking through yours.

What is the best job search method or strategy for me?

This is a very common question! There are multiple ways to search today’s job market, from online job searching, working with recruitment agencies to networking and making speculative approaches to companies. We work with the individual and discuss all options available to create a job search approach they feel comfortable with. We then guide them through this process with on-hand support to ensure they are searching as effectively as possible, and look to continuously improve on their job search techniques.

How do I prepare effectively for interviews?

Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. We work with the individual to ensure they are as prepared as possible. Firstly we understand what preparation they have undertaken and make suggestions on how to research both the company and interviewers conducting the interview. We ask them to pre-empt interview questions based on the job description and start thinking about their suitable answers. We introduce them to techniques on how to structure their answer and ensure it was being pitched at the right level. Following on from this we conduct mock interviews with them either through SKYPE or over the telephone so they can practise their answers out loud ahead of their interview. The clients we work with say this is very effective as it gives them an opportunity to receive feedback on their answers and improve these ahead of their interviews.

How can I look at changing careers?

We have fantastic tools and resources here at Renovo so we introduce them to a career change guide and select suitable exercises for them to work through with their coach. This results in them conducting some self-analysis to allow us as coaches to identify their own essential and desirable criteria. We then encourage them to prioritise skills they want to use moving forward and introduce them to ways to look for opportunities based on what the skills and priorities they have. Changing careers is possible but requires time, effort and using their network of contacts. We have worked with hundreds of clients who have changed career but we treat each job seeker we work with as an individual and ensure that next move was the right one for them.

Renovo is one of the UK’s leading providers of outplacement and career transition support. We work with both organisations and individuals to support all their career transition requirements. If you would like to understand how Renovo can help you please call 0800 612 2011 or email

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