Prioritising your network


colourful pins on boardNetworking is an essential part of job seeking and can be useful no matter what industry or sector you have worked in. Networking can make you aware of further information or leads about roles and opportunities that may not already be aware of. If you are job seeking right now, networking will get you one step closer to securing your next career move!

What is networking?

Networking is the proactive process of using relationships and contacts to identify new opportunities. It can take place in many forms including face to face, over the telephone, via social media such as LinkedIn or Twitter, or through email. Networking doesn’t lead to instant success. It takes time and effort. It is all about investing in relationships so when opportunities arise your contacts think of you.

Who is in your network?

Opportunities are attached to people. The aim is to speak to your contacts who know how credible you are and would be willing to help you find your next role or opportunity. Former work colleagues and managers are obvious choices but don’t just limit yourself to focusing on professional’s contacts. You may also want to consider:

  • Friends and family members and their extended network
  • Former clients, customers or suppliers from your career to date
  • Professional contacts you may have used outside of work such as accountants, bank managers and solicitors
  • LinkedIn- access a wider network by looking at your connections and their connections
Prioritising your network

When looking at your network you may end up with lots of contacts who could potentially help. Prioritise your contacts and divide them into HOT, WARM AND COOL groups.

  • Your HOT contacts are generally at a senior level or are decision makers. They have the power to arrange an interview or offer you a job.
  • The WARM contacts are influential. Whilst they may not be able to offer you a job, they can introduce you to key contacts or recommend you to their network.
  • Your COOL group of contacts are people who can give you information. These contacts are still very useful as they may be knowledgeable about the industry that you work in or  provide you with other useful information.

Once you have grouped together your contacts, you’ll need to think about how they would prefer to hear from you so plan how you are going to make contact? Will this be face to face, telephone, LinkedIn, or email? With working practices becoming more flexible and hybrid due to the pandemic, it is important to make full use of virtual networking via social media platforms and digital events. Online networking is more important than ever before and is a vital skill in a competitive job market.

Renovo is one of the UK’s leading providers of outplacement services and career transition support. We work with both organisations and individuals to support all their career transition requirements. If you would like to understand how Renovo can help you please call 0800 612 2011 or email

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