New Job? Create a 30, 60, and 90 day plan


claendar, clock on orange backgroundThe first 90 days of any job are crucial. Therefore, it’s beneficial to create a plan to demonstrate how you can do the job, alleviate any potential concerns your employer may have, and reinforce your suitability for the role.

We’ve put together some things to consider and include in your 30, 60, and 90 day plan.

30 day plan – The learning stage

The first 30 days is the learning stage of a new job and it’s important to take the time to understand the company culture and learn exactly what the organisation is trying to accomplish. Your focus should be on learning as much as possible about the organisation.

It will be beneficial to consider the company’s main objectives, your department’s main objectives and your role objectives. Make a list of the company and department objectives for the year and over the first 30 days consider how you can contribute to helping the company achieve those objectives. Discuss your objectives with your manager. Consider how you will interact with your manager and keep track of the progress you’re making - will you report to them daily? Weekly? Monthly? Think about how you can make a positive first impression and achieve any quick wins.

Identify any challenges and how you will overcome them. You may not foresee any challenges yet, however, as and when you do, write them down and begin to identify the steps you need to take to overcome them. You may find that creating a SWOT analysis helpful.

Make a list of the key stakeholders and their job titles, expectations and how you will interact with them. There are often a lot of people to meet, so as and when you meet a new stakeholder, ensure you make a note of these details to assist you in building and maintaining relationships with them moving forward.
Identify training needs. Understand where you may require training and development before you start, this will allow you to get up to speed quickly and to demonstrate that you are pro-active. Make a list of your training needs and write down how you plan to action them. Include when you want to have completed the training by and how you will know that you have completed it.

60 day plan – The evaluation stage

Evaluate and review your first 30 days, considering the following questions:

  • What went well during the first 30 days?
  • What do you need to improve on?
  • What objectives have you met?

In the first 60 days your focus will be on beginning to build your personal brand and reputation within the company, showcasing what you do well and contributing openly to conversations. Show you are versatile by taking on additional tasks outside your responsibilities. Revisit your manager’s expectations of you and continue to evaluate any challenges you may face and how you plan to overcome them.

Who have you built strong relationships with? Consider if they can assist you in overcoming any challenges. It can be useful to look again at training you may need, as your needs can change overtime as you settle into the role.

90 day plan - The transformation stage

Evaluate and review your progress to date, considering the following questions:

  • How have I progressed over the last 3 months?
  • What has gone well?
  • What hasn’t gone as well as expected and how can I learn from this moving forward?
  • How does my manager feel I have progressed?

You will have a firm grasp of the role you play in the organisation. You will become more aware of new projects and come ready with possible contributions and ideas. You will be able to use this stage to expand your relationships further both internally and externally.

Further questions to think about include:
  • What are the wider opportunities in the company that I could become involved in?
  • How do I want to professionally develop within this organisation?

Implementing this plan will enable you to begin your career with the company on a positive, focussed and strong note. It will help give you the clarity you need to continue to develop in your role and add valuable contributions to the wider company.

Renovo is one of the UK’s leading providers of outplacement and career transition support. We work with both organisations and individuals to support all their career transition requirements. If you would like to understand how Renovo can help you please call 0800 612 2011 or email

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