Network your way to success


picking lightsNetworking is a means of making contacts and is an essential part of business life. It is the proactive process of using the relationships and contacts that you already have to help you identify new opportunities and is a key element of career development and job search.

Networking can be useful at any stage of your career, no matter what industry or sector you work in. It may make you aware of further information or leads about roles and opportunities you may not already be aware of.

Building your network

It is important that you are constantly looking to further build your network; don’t limit your network to just include people that you are currently working with. Think about also including contacts in the groups below:

  • Friends and family - For example extended family, their former employers, or colleagues. The more people you speak to, the more likely you are to find relevant contacts.
  • Clients, customers or suppliers - Anyone you dealt with externally in previous roles.
  • Professional contacts - You may know an accountant, bank manager, solicitor or other professional contacts.
  • Professional societies – societies you are a member of may provide you with regular opportunities to build your network.
  • LinkedIn- you can see who you are connected to and who is connected to your wider network.

Now you have identified who you want to network with you need to prioritise who you are going to approach first and plan what you want to say with an Elevator Pitch.

Post Networking

Networking takes time and commitment. It is essential to network with your contacts on an ongoing basis to further strengthen your relationships.

  • Say thank you and return the favour
  • Evaluate how the conversation went
  • Keep in touch through LinkedIn, phone or email

Renovo is one of the UK’s leading providers of outplacement services and career transition support. We work with both organisations and individuals to support all their career transition requirements. If you would like to understand how Renovo can help you please call 0800 612 2011 or email

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