How to move into a different sector or industry with success


different coloured leavesMany professionals will change their jobs and careers a number of times over the course of their working life. This may be for reasons including redundancy, money, and career progression. As a result, this could mean a change of environment or even a change of sector as individuals choose to work for organisations that are more aligned to their own values and interests.  Such a transition can be incredibly daunting and may present many challenges. Here are some key factors you should consider when you want to move into a different sector or industry.


If you want to move into a different sector, the research involved in the early stages of this move is crucial. When you have identified organisations that have sparked an initial interest, research further to gain more insight into company culture and values. Company websites would be the obvious place to begin, but company and industry research tools can be used to gain understanding on any growth within a particular sector and subsequently where opportunities may present themselves. Speak to contacts within your network who are currently working in the same or similar sector to get a better understanding of the culture and environment.

 Identifying transferable skills

Be clear about the key transferable skills that you can offer a potential employer as you can easily apply these to another environment. A lot of job seekers find it hard to assess the skills they have been using and see how they can benefit other employers. It can be useful to re-examine your last job description and any appraisals you have had. Look at the skills outlined that required you to do the job and use the appraisals to identify areas you performed particularly well in. Being able to sell these skills in terms of the value they can add to a company is important as you may have less sector specific knowledge against other candidates.

Talk to former colleagues you have worked with to help you reflect on the responsibilities and projects you have undertaken in previous roles. They may help you to identify many of your strengths and transferable skills that you can articulate in future applications.

 Using different language

All organisations have their fair share of jargon. When you’ve spent years using this language at work, it’s a challenge to refrain from using it. A new company may not use the same terminology as your previous roles, and so at an initial glance it can be difficult to see how your experience directly translates. By researching companies thoroughly, learn relevant jargon before you apply for any vacancies. This will demonstrate your awareness of their requirements and will also support you in demonstrating your relevance for the role.

The Hidden Job Market

70% of new jobs aren’t advertised at all – the jobs are being filled by speculative applications and through networking. By taking a proactive approach to your job search you will be more likely to be considered for roles where you do not have sector specific knowledge or experience. The employer will be more likely to take a risk if they are not paying a fee to recruit you. So make connections on LinkedIn, send speculative applications and chase up applications over the phone. Remember that job opportunities are attached to people.

If you want further advice on how to move into a different sector, call Renovo.  Renovo is one of the UK’s leading providers of outplacement and career transition support. We work with both organisations and individuals to support all their career transition requirements. If you would like to understand how Renovo can help you please call 0800 612 2011 or email

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