supporting managers through change

Your people managers play a crucial role in the successful execution of any change and transformation programme. Whether it be in effectively communicating the message and rationale for change, in building the emotional resilience of their team, or in driving productivity and activities to effect the change. Put simply, your managers are the vital link between leadership and the rest of the organisation during periods of transformation.

Why you should invest in your Managers' resilience:

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Our Managing Through Change Workshop will enable you to deliver high impact, practical and affordable training for your managers so they can better lead through periods of change and transformation. Our short and engaging programme will give your managers an opportunity to reflect on their own response to change as well as that of their teams, look at practical steps to building their own resilience when implementing change programmes and ensure they adopt strategies that will help them effect a positive impact on others during a transformation.

What’s involved?

120 -minute, high impact group session
Delivered virtually or on site
Interactivity via polls and reflective exercises
Workbook and Personal Action Plan

How will it help our Managers?

Understand the emotional impact of change on themselves and their team
Assess what is inside and outside of their control when supporting teams through change
Adopt tools to help them build their own resilience and wellbeing through uncertainty
Take practical steps to make a positive impact on others during change processes

What our clients say

What our participants say

““The feedback on content, structure and
delivery of the sessions was fantastic
– we only wish we had delivered them
earlier in the programme of change.”
HR Director
“The session provided a useful start to
thinking about the change programme
and useful tips for my own personal

“Useful techniques to use for management,
accepting change and being more resilient,
good session, thank you”


of attendees rated our Resilience Coaching as ‘Excellent’ or ‘Very Good’

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