Managing a career transition: what you need to know


sign with who what whyA career transition can be a frightening time in your working life, whether you’ve left your old position voluntarily or had to take an enforced redundancy. The fact is that few people go through life having had just one career these days; the era when a career represented a job for life is now behind us. Career transitions needn’t be scary however, and if you manage your future appropriately, a daunting period of change can be transformed into one of the most productive times of your life. Here are three positive thoughts you need to bear in mind during a career transition. Remember that our outplacement services are always there to help.

When one door closes, another opens

There can be a real sense of finality about leaving a long-standing position. If you’ve decided that the time is right to leave your current job, or if you’ve been made redundant, it can feel as though a door has been slammed shut behind you; there’s no going back once you’ve left. They say that when one door closes, another one opens and whether or not this is true in life, it’s certainly true in work. Many of our clients later contact us to say that leaving their old job behind became the best decision of their lives, with new opportunities giving them the chance to progress their careers in unexpected directions. While it may seem daunting in the short-term, a career transition will almost invariably offer you an opportunity to embrace something new.

There are other opportunities out there for you

The current UK job market is a competitive place, and reports from job seekers and workplace analysts alike often hold little but bad news. While unemployment rates are high and job opportunities few and far between, there are positions out there for you. Businesses are still recruiting - despite the recession - and candidates with positive CVs, lots of experience and the right attitude will always be able to find something new. Having a defeatist attitude will not hold you in good stead while looking for work, so keep your chin up, be proactive and seek career-coaching services for help.

Outplacement services can last a lifetime

During a career transition, you may find it necessary to seek professional help to get back on the career ladder and into the workplace once more. Many employers will provide helpful outplacement services after having made enforced redundancies and these services will offer redundancy support for those looking to rejuvenate their careers once more. Individuals who undertake a voluntary career transition however, can seek the support of a dedicated career coach instead. Both of these services will help refine your job search and improve your chances of employment, but the skills your career coach will teach you can last a lifetime. Should you undergo another career transition in the future, your new skills will have stayed with you, so finding a new job will prove easier than ever. You can even offer advice to friends and loved ones who may find themselves in a similar position; it’s amazing how many ways a career transitions can further you as a person.

Being between jobs can be frightening, but there’s no reason why a career transition can’t become one of the most positive journeys of your life. Take a look at our career support services for individuals and give yourself the best possible chance of finding greener pastures!

Renovo is one of the UK’s leading providers of outplacement and career transition support. We work with both organisations and individuals to support all their career transition requirements. If you would like to understand how Renovo can help you please call 0800 612 2011 or email

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