Integrating successfully into your new job


orange and white jigsawCongratulations you got the job!

Now, the tough part begins. What will be expected of you? Who will you be working with? How will you get along with them? A new job is a great opportunity to start fresh, a bad first day could set you off on the wrong foot no matter how good your intentions are and first impressions can have a lasting effect on your new colleagues.

Integrating successfully: top tips

Here are our tips on how to improve your chances of making a great impression in your first days and weeks:

  1. Have a positive attitude - as you meet people, demonstrate a positive attitude, smile and try to be sincere and enthusiastic.
  2. Try to listen more than you talk - this is one of the hardest skills for some people to learn. If you have a genuine contribution to make to a discussion, make it, otherwise try to do more listening in your first few days. Take notes you can refer back to.
  3. Ask questions - If you’re not sure about anything, ask, there’s no such thing as a stupid question when you first start.
  4. Be timely - be on time, come in early, stay a little later. There is nothing worse than coming in late and leaving earlier than the majority of your colleagues.
  5. Remain professional - be careful who you trust and who you let your guard down with. Try not to associate with the office gossips too often as you could risk damage your reputation.
  6. Be part of the team – you’re now part of a team. Teams work together, so make sure you share any recognition you get and always give credit to other team members.
  7. Social activities - many organisations have out of work activities. These activities are a great way to get to know with your colleagues socially, but remember be on your best behaviour.
  8. Take the initiative – when you are comfortable with your workload and feel ready to take on more, take the initiative and ask your line manager for additional work, don’t just sit there and wait for someone to give you something to do.
  9. Be organised and set goals – keep on top of your workload. As you look ahead start to set goals for yourself and strive to achieve them.
  10. Make a note of your achievements – this will not only give your personal satisfaction, but will be useful to bring up in meetings and your professional development reviews.

Being the newest member of a team can be both challenging and exciting. You may find yourself faced with both difficulties and opportunities, but these tips should give you some insight and direction as you start your new role. In your first few days try to keep an open mind, get to know your work colleagues, listen, learn and ask questions and you’re on your way to creating a great impression!

Renovo is one of the UK’s leading providers of outplacement and career transition support. We work with both organisations and individuals to support all their career transition requirements. If you would like to understand how Renovo can help you please call 0800 612 2011 or email

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