Harness the Power of LinkedIn


smartphone with linkedin

LinkedIn is a powerful job search tool that allows you to highlight your key skills and expertise. A completed, professional LinkedIn profile which provides relevant information will make you more attractive to employers and recruiters.

Research shows that many employers and recruiters look at LinkedIn profiles before choosing to advertise job roles or make hiring decisions. Therefore, it is essential that you are selling yourself effectively to allow career opportunities to find you.

Below are some top tips to help boost your online profile:

  • Optimise your headline; this is the first area recruiters or employers will see. It should include job titles or areas of expertise.
  • Adding a professional photo will multiply your profile views by up to 15 times.
  • Be specific about your industry so you can be found by the appropriate employers in your sector.
  • Your summary sits underneath your name and headline. Tailor this part of your profile to keep it relevant to your target audience.
  • Include your areas of expertise and industry keywords to promote yourself effectively.
  • Include every role but focus on the past 10 – 15 years.
  • Give detail around your responsibilities and key achievements using keywords.
Key Skills and Endorsements
  • Choose skills and key words that you would search for when looking for job opportunities.
  • Maximum of 15 skills– keep it focussed and organised.
  • Recommendations increase your credibility.
  • Ask colleagues, managers, clients and stakeholders to provide recommendations to strengthen your profile and reference your capabilities.
Groups and Companies
  • Joining relevant groups is a great way to meet people with similar professional interests and expand your network.
  • Follow companies to increase awareness of company updates and recruitment needs
  • Like, comment and share interesting updates to increase your visibility and drive traffic to your profile.
  • Start or participate in LinkedIn discussions to increase your digital presence.

Renovo is one of the UK’s leading providers of outplacement and career transition support. We work with both organisations and individuals to support all their career transition requirements. If you would like to understand how Renovo can help you, please call 0800 612 2011 or email info@renovo.co.uk

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