Executive support options

What are the Executive Support Options?

We recognise that at the Senior and Executive level, expectations of what is included as part of an outplacement programme may be different and that often, support in additional areas is required to expedite a successful transition at this level. As part of our Executive Programme, we build in a number of additional support areas to enhance the support being made available to those senior employees in transition. These include advanced profiling, personal branding and on boarding support for up to three months.

Advanced Profiling

Providing the opportunity to reflect more fully on skills and experiences, conduct a thorough evaluation of personal strengths and values and help individuals to assess their future direction in a more holistic context.

Our Senior Coaches are Strengthscope® accredited, one of the world’s leading strengths assessment tools. The profiling provides a highly effective means for an individual to assess their key strengths and motivators objectively, gather feedback from past colleagues and peers and with the support of their Coach, build a clearer self-portrait to help inform the next step.

Personal Branding

The management and development of a ‘personal brand’ is becoming an increasingly important factor in achieving an effective transition at the senior level. In today’s recruitment market, social media tools such as LinkedIn are regularly used by head-hunters and corporate recruiters to ‘pre-screen’ candidates for opportunities and it’s vital that a digital footprint reinforces a personal brand message.


Supporting a successful career transition at the senior management and leadership level does not end with simply securing a new opportunity. Our Executive Programmes will include ongoing coaching and mentoring for up to three months upon entry into a new organisation helping to accelerate the integration process, establish goals and support the delivery of key strategic priorities.

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A fresh approach to the UK outplacement industry, built on the foundations of four key principles.

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Three proven programmes to make the process of buying outplacement support as simple as possible.

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