Developing resilience in your career transition


resilience written on stonesIf you have recently been made redundant, you may find the transition from employee to job seeker an emotional and stressful process which requires resilience. Developing resilience gives us the ability to manage uncertainty in our lives and the stresses that may come about as a result.

If you are job seeking right now, here are 3 ways to make your job search less stressful to become a more resilient jobseeker.

Adopt a ‘Growth Mindset’

It is important to stay positive and develop a growth mindset throughout every stage of job searching from making applications to attending interviews. A growth mindset means that you believe your intelligence and talents can be developed over time. A fixed mindset means that you believe intelligence is fixed—so if you’re not good at something, you might believe you’ll never be good at it.

View the change in your career circumstances as a positive opportunity rather than a setback. If you adopt a growth mindset throughout your career transition, it will support you to take control of your job search and achieve positive results.

Value the learning process

If you haven’t had to look for a new role for a significant period, you may find the modern way of job searching very different. Looking for jobs online or attending remote interviews at first may feel quite daunting or overwhelming. We all experience negative ‘self-talk’ – this is the inner dialogue we have with ourselves which limits our ability to believe in ourselves. Be mindful of your inner voice and focus on the value you are getting from learning something new.  Use positive language and concentrate on your inner voice; instead of saying “I can’t do this”, try practicing “I am going to be learning about new technology as a result of doing this” or ‘’This is a great opportunity for me to work on my networking skills’’.

Be open to feedback

Not every application will secure you an interview and not every interview will land you a new role. To improve your job searching performance, you will need to understand what is and isn’t working. Where possible follow up applications and interviews by asking for feedback. Embrace any constructive criticism from your applications or interviews as an opportunity to improve your skills and personal growth. Feedback during the interview process is so valuable. Asking for detailed feedback can help your interview performance in the future and increase your chances of securing a new role quicker.

Renovo is the UK’s leading outplacement specialist. We work with organisations and individuals to support all their career transition requirements. If you would like to understand how Renovo can help you please call 0800 612 2011 or email

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