Getting your career off to a flying start in 2020


blue and orange water drop2020 is here and with the New Year comes the opportunity to reflect on your career and think about which direction you might want to go in the future. Whether your goal is to make improvements to your career, upskill, continue with an existing job search or change career, here are some things you can do to make sure your career goals get off to a flying start in 2020.

1 - Complete a Careers Audit

Take some time to reflect and re-evaluate where you want your career to take you in 2020. What do you want to achieve in the next 12 months? What opportunities do you want to be considered for? What are your main strengths and how can you use them moving forward?

Making any form of career decision requires careful consideration. Whether you are changing career or thinking about career development, it’s essential you are clear on what aspects you wish to change or where you want to develop.

2 - Update your CV

Dust off the old and bring in the new. With over 60% of employers expected to use Applicant Tracking Systems in 2020, you will need to ensure your CV includes key words in line with each role you apply for.

Make a list of skills and expertise listed in each job specification and update your CV. Fill it with achievements and successes using the FAB technique. Continually update your CV so it’s close to hand for when you apply for that dream job in 2020!

3 - Manage your online reputation

Over 90% of recruiters look up candidates online so it is important your online presence is professional and consistent across all social media platforms. Review all of your social media accounts and take the time to think about your online reputation. Close the dormant accounts or plan how you wish to use them moving forward. Review your existing connections and consider ways to build your network. Join more professional groups, follow companies of interest and follow industry influencers. Users who grow their network are 30% more likely to secure a role so look at ways to increase your visibility in 2020.

According to Strava, the social network for athletes, the second Friday in January is also known as ‘quitters day’ Set yourself a career goal and stick with it! Use the GROW model to assist you in establishing the way forward and create a plan around what actions you need to take from here to achieve your goal. The GROW Model is a simple yet powerful framework to start establishing and evaluating your career goals as you embark on your journey to achieving them.

Renovo is the UK’s leading outplacement and career transition specialist. We work with both organisations and individuals to support all their career transition requirements. If you would like to understand how Renovo can help you please call 0800 612 2011 or email

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